

February 18, 2020

By Phil Hopkins  - Read the full feature at:

Yorkshire Times


With growing European interest in Vietnam and an increasing appetite for all things ‘eco’, the luxurious Salinda Resort on Phu Quoc Island is poised to take advantage of increasing Western demand for Asian holidays.


It prioritises sustainability as a strong focus and as part of the hotel’s key core values.


Whilst hotels worldwide are looking at ways to counteract their carbon footprint, Salinda Resort has been meeting the challenge prior to the hotel even being built, introducing eco-friendly elements throughout the design period so that it could achieve better energy saving and work towards being a sustainable resort, once up and running.


And the approach looks set to pay dividends


According to GlobalData Thailand, Indonesia, Singapore and Malaysia have all experienced a growth in the number of inbound Euro travellers. However, Vietnam stands out as the one country in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) that is currently experiencing the biggest influx of European travelers


And it is the likes of Salinda Resort that are set to benefit.


Immersed in Nature
The beauty of Phu Quoc lies within its natural surroundings of luscious greenery and exotic plants.

Salinda not only encourages the growth of this sweeping landscape by dedicating 70% of the resort’s land to its flora and fauna but also maintains a healthy ecosystem for native birds and butterflies.


Boasting over 100 types of trees and flowers on the grounds of the resort, these exotic gardens are entirely supported by the hotel and top environmentally-friendly practices.


Salinda Resort continually strives to cut down on food waste, water usage, and single-use plastic whilst integrating eco-friendly initiatives into the hotel’s core values and architecture resulting in making a difference and a more sustainable resort.